Tuesday, August 07, 2007


I got back from Waterloo, Iowa last night at around 11:00 p.m. with the van. It is a 1999 Dodge Ram 3500 15 passenger. It runs very good, the only thing that I found wrong with it was bearing in the left front sound like they are bad. It goes in this week to get that taken care of. There are some minor things that need some attention but overall we were blessed. It was listed on e-bay for $5000.00 with a buy now price of $4500.00. Mike Christie the previous owner is a Christian and has a heart for the streets. I told him what we do and he checked out the website and he liked what he saw. He gave us the van for $1500.00 and a $3000.00 tax donation right off. PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!

I was gone (and up) a total of 40 hours to go first by Pastor Lance relaying me to Jeff that took me to the South Bend Airport to catch the South Shore train into Chicago. The train left @ 9:40p.m. putting me into Chicago at 11:00 p.m. Chicago time. I started walking down Michigan St. and in a very short time I heard a guy yell "my buddy" and it turned out to be Joe, a homeless guy that we have fed on a number of occasions. I talked and ministered to him and "Foots" another female homeless that we know for a while then went a short distance and met another homeless guy that I helped get into a cheap hotel so that he could get a shower and some good sleep. I then had about 16 blocks to walk to the Greyhound Station. I was so blessed by first seeing the homeless friends and thinking how Jesus must have felt when he would arrive in a new land. I was really touched by that. I also rejoiced as I walked those 16 blocks thinking that when he says that he will protect us he surely will. There were times that I looked behind me because it was so quiet then I would hear a noise but never did fear come in. I would check to see if there was someone back behind me that I could share Jesus with. I arrived at Greyhound and there was many people standing outside. This was exciting and I thought that I would get my ticket then go back out and minister. I was inside a short time when there was a bunch of commotion then sirens and police cars and ambulances. Someone had been shot right outside the door. At that point everyone was directed away or inside so I stayed inside. A family of seven caught my attention because they had a number of huge suitcases like they were moving or something. I could tell that the mother was very upset by what the ticket agent was telling her about the bags. I asked another attendant what was going on and he said that there was a bag limit and a weight limit. I could tell that the family was struck hard. I had a $50 tucked back just in case I needed it and I felt the Holy Spirit directing me to give it to them. When they cleared the line I was able to stop them and ask them what had happened and they told me that they were charged $225 for the bags. I told them that the Lord had directed me to help and handed them the $50. The mother was shocked that I would do that and after just sharing the love of Jesus for a minute they walked off. I was able to share Jesus with many over the course of the trip so it was awesome!!! We are so excited to get everything done with the van and get out with it.

Next outreach is August 25th at Harrison & 5th in Elkhart. We are looking at starting @ 5:00 p.m. to draw more people in. Come join us!!!!

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