Friday, March 23, 2007

Pastor Brandon & Pastor Terry Hit The Streets of Elkhart

It was a blessing to have Pastor Brandon come in town today from RAVEN Southwest in New Mexico. I drove him around and showed him some sites then it was time to hit the streets tonight. We had an awesome time ministering to somewhere around 100 people throughout the night. Many were pierced with the Word of God. Many professed to be Christians but we hit them withthe Word and showed them how they were not living a "Christ-Like" life.Pastor Brandon ministers to a young hispanic man that was hit with the Word to where he didn't want to go anywhere. He asked Pastor Brandon "why do I need Jesus" in his broken english.
Pastor Brandon told him why and he said that he wanted Jesus to come into his life.
Result............................A sign outside the bar which tells what is destroying so many peoples lives.
We pick up Pastor Troy this afternoon and then we will be on Hively ministering to a group at 6:00p.m.

1 comment:

RAVEN Deb said...

Amen guys... love you.