2010 Mardi Gras Misson from Nate Pfeil on Vimeo.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Thursday, September 24, 2009
What if YOU could help put 400 Warriors for Christ on the Mission Field?
Dear Friends,
When we trust in Jesus and work together, we can do more than we could ever imagine! That is what we have found in nearly 20 years of taking the love of Christ and the message of the Cross to hurting people across this nation and beyond.
It was 2003 when our ministry changed, and our lives along with it! Having served a local church for nearly 14 years the Lord challenged us to move into a whole new dimension of faith. He began to show us that what had been im-possible through our best and most sincere efforts could now become Him-possible if we would only obey. So, we decided to obey, and we have seen God do some amazing things, and change thousands of lives ever since! The Jeans for Jesus Project is one of those “acts of obedience” that we believe is another means to impact many people for His Kingdom.
Our teams have taken emergency relief into areas decimated by natural disasters. We have impacted housing projects and have had Police officers say to us, “Thank you for coming to this area. You cannot know how big of an impact you have made.” Children, the elderly, and those living on the streets have also been greatly touched by the work of the ministry as the Body of Christ has banded together to help those in need. The Jeans for Jesus Project is another way to do even more!
We collect donated jeans from churches, civic groups, Sunday school classes, sports teams, schools, and even individuals, with a love offering in the pocket of each pair collected.
These jeans and offering then become a resource to minister to thousands of people through food, clothes, and the ministering of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

It was 2003 when our ministry changed, and our lives along with it! Having served a local church for nearly 14 years the Lord challenged us to move into a whole new dimension of faith. He began to show us that what had been im-possible through our best and most sincere efforts could now become Him-possible if we would only obey. So, we decided to obey, and we have seen God do some amazing things, and change thousands of lives ever since! The Jeans for Jesus Project is one of those “acts of obedience” that we believe is another means to impact many people for His Kingdom.
Our teams have taken emergency relief into areas decimated by natural disasters. We have impacted housing projects and have had Police officers say to us, “Thank you for coming to this area. You cannot know how big of an impact you have made.” Children, the elderly, and those living on the streets have also been greatly touched by the work of the ministry as the Body of Christ has banded together to help those in need. The Jeans for Jesus Project is another way to do even more!
We collect donated jeans from churches, civic groups, Sunday school classes, sports teams, schools, and even individuals, with a love offering in the pocket of each pair collected.
These jeans and offering then become a resource to minister to thousands of people through food, clothes, and the ministering of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Our Conviction is that there are many people who are in desperate need—both physically and spiritually.
- Our Passion is to touch those lives by whatever means necessary to show them that there is still hope.
- Our Commitment is to “Do as much as we can with as much as we have” and as God brings the increase we will go further in reaching out to those who are the most desperate.
- Our Vision is to use this as a resource to spread the message of Jesus.
- Coordinate and Promote a Jeans for Jesus Campaign within your Church, Youth or Senior Ministry or other organization - you can contact us for ideas on how to have the most success!
- Recommend Jeans for Jesus to others you may know - together is how we make the biggest difference!
- Become a Monthly Financial Supporter of the Ministry - when you “give” it allows us to keep “going” to the most needy!
- Volunteer for one of our outreach teams - You will see for yourself what your investment is doing and you’ll see your life changed too!
- Pray for us - that is what strengthens us, and carries us through the difficult times!
Jeans for the Homeless -- These are literally life-savers for many people living on the streets. We will be distributing jeans as well as other winter clothing in these primary areas:
“The Tenderloin” - San Francisco, CA
“Skid Row” - Los Angeles, CA
Housing Projects - Raleigh/Durham, NC
Housing Projects - New Orleans, LA
“Kennsington” - Philadelphia, PA
Kingston, Jamaica
“Skid Row” - Los Angeles, CA
Housing Projects - Raleigh/Durham, NC
Housing Projects - New Orleans, LA
“Kennsington” - Philadelphia, PA
Kingston, Jamaica
Revolution Youth Training -- We are seeing a REVIVAL amongst the youth and college-aged across the country. We are now hosting special Youth Leadership Training Events designed to equip a new generation to take the Gospel into their campuses.
Mardi Gras Outreach 2010 -- Our annual outreach to the City of New Orleans has been blessed to see thousands of people come to the Lord Jesus over the years. We are expecting to put over 400 Urban Missionaries on the streets this coming February. This alone comes with a cost of nearly $25,000 - which is a small price to pay to see many come to Christ.
Raven Jamaica -- We are taking a street ministry team into Kingston in the Spring of 2010.
Remember, your help could have an EVERLASTING impact!
Many Blessings –
Pastor Troy D. Bohn
Founder and International Director
P.O. Box 1897
Daytona Beach, Florida 32115
Contact - PastorTroy@BigGrace.com
Mardi Gras Outreach 2010 -- Our annual outreach to the City of New Orleans has been blessed to see thousands of people come to the Lord Jesus over the years. We are expecting to put over 400 Urban Missionaries on the streets this coming February. This alone comes with a cost of nearly $25,000 - which is a small price to pay to see many come to Christ.
Raven Jamaica -- We are taking a street ministry team into Kingston in the Spring of 2010.
Remember, your help could have an EVERLASTING impact!
Many Blessings –
Pastor Troy D. Bohn
Founder and International Director
P.O. Box 1897
Daytona Beach, Florida 32115
Contact - PastorTroy@BigGrace.com
website(s) www.BigGrace.com (or)
Orders are now being taken for the latest in RAVEN Gear!
The first to "fly" out...
The RAVEN Pendant

7/8" x 1-7/8" glass pendant / silver plated bail / 24" black ball chain
Pendants are made on demand and can be made TEAM SPECIFIC
$20.00 each // Part of the cost is going to help pay for Mardi Gras 2010
Please place your orders via PayPal here:include:
TEAM NAME / # of Pendants / Mailing Address
Pendants will be mailed as they are completed.
But, please be patient ... the process for completing the pendants is time consuming.
The first to "fly" out...
The RAVEN Pendant
7/8" x 1-7/8" glass pendant / silver plated bail / 24" black ball chain
Pendants are made on demand and can be made TEAM SPECIFIC
$20.00 each // Part of the cost is going to help pay for Mardi Gras 2010
Please place your orders via PayPal here:include:
TEAM NAME / # of Pendants / Mailing Address
Pendants will be mailed as they are completed.
But, please be patient ... the process for completing the pendants is time consuming.
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Here Comes the Son!
It has been a very cold and snowy year. In fact, I would say that it has been a long time since we have experienced a winter like this. It has been one that has convinced us to stay in and stay warm instead of venturing out. Well, all we can say is Praise the Lord "Here Comes the Son"! Pastor Lance and I have been doing a lot of thinking and planning about the direction of R.A.V.E.N.'S Midwest. More importantly though, we have been seeking God on the plans that He would have us to fulfill. It has been a rather quiet transition from the former leaders (Pastor Terry & Eileen) to us and we are rather thankful for that. However, the time has come to "Begin Again" so to speak, and begin to step out into this calling and to do so with the help of as many of you as possible.
We are very excited about what the Lord has planned. How and when He will do these things, well, only He knows His timing, but we are confident of the direction that He has opened up to us and we are humbly and boldly taking hold. Our intentions are to step out and step up in this community of Elkhart, In. in the Washington Gardens area. It has been laid heavily upon our hearts to take this ground for the Kingdom of God and to infiltrate this area, used so strongly by the enemy, and immerse it in the Spirit and Truth of the Lord!!! We know that it will not all be easy, but we can do all things and my Word tells me that "WHATSOEVER I LAY MY HAND TO SHALL PROSPER!!!" This work will prosper and NOT fail. If my God and King is going before me (and I know He is because he has given us this vision) and He is for me ...then tell me....WHO can be against me???!!! Praise the Lord!!
We have it so heavy on our heart for this whole area of Elkhart that we just have to go forward until we begin to see change and then...KEEP ON GOING!!! We began to lay the ground work last fall by walking the streets of this project area and meeting and praying for these people face to face. It was so amazing! We were meeting teens, young mothers and fathers, we met many, many children and elderly and even met quite a few drug dealers and users who, by the way, were some of the most respectful!! This is the power that the Lord grants when we walk in humility and servitude in LOVE one for another. I am continually in awe of the power and grace of my Lord.
Our goal is to begin to step out into the Washington Gardens area again the first part of April. We want to begin by going out and walking the streets again on the Friday eve. before our outreach to make the people aware that we are going to be in the area. Also, we will be setting up canopies so that they will have a place to come into for a real church service!!! We are so excited about this. We want not only to bless them with food and prayer, but we want to disciple them with the Word of the Living God. They need to see that we are serious about them and our God. It is important that we hold them accountable and that they see us being accountable for what we are sharing with them. After all, talk is cheap...actions are what they are looking at.
We are going to be holding Friday night meetings (for now) at our house until we can find the place that will facilitate us and others that will be coming in. We are beginning a "Discipleship" course that will last for the better part of 2 years. This means that it is going to take commitment and discipline! All are welcome, but you must be certain that you are willing and able to commit yourself and time to such a task. The Word says that "to whom much is given..much is expected". Where is your EXPECTATION at? We hope that it is in the Lord.
We are very excited about this "New Beginning" for us all and we hope that you will be too. It doesn't matter to us about numbers or size when it comes to this ministry, because God is in full control and He knows what He is doing! Thank the Lord. The only thing that matters to us is that we are pleasing unto the service of our Lord and Master and that we help Him to increase the Kingdom of Heaven and in doing so we will decrease the Kingdom of Hell. We are thankful that God found us worthy of such a task as this and we intend to do all that we are able to do to fulfill the plan He has for us. How about you? Are you ready to strap on your boots and take some high ground? Are you ready to say "Not my will, but your will be done" to the Lord? Is there anything that is more pleasing or rewarding to the Lord than to see His children flowing together in harmony and unity to see that the task gets done and we help Him to bring home one more prodigal? I can't think of ONE thing that we could do in this world and of ourselves that could even come close to doing the will of our Father.
We have been very quiet before the Lord and we have asked many, many questions of Him. When we didn't know what to do...we just kept on keeping on. It has been so quiet at times, we thought that the stillness would deafen us, but then God would speak. We have fallen under judgement and ridicule of man and that's o.k. We know that this is just part of MAN'S way, but know this...we will not be moved by it. We know that God is our source and our hope. Without Him there is just no need to even try. We are human and we know that we need Him. So, we intend to follow Him as closely as possible and to complete this work that He has begun in us! How about you? Would you like to be a part of this? It is truly an exciting time to be alive. there is so much going on around us in this world and God has found us fit for such a time as this. Rejoice!!! Our redemption is drawing ever so much more near!
Our plea to you is to get stirred up and on fire for God! The time is now. He desires to use each and every one of us in the giftings and callings that only HE has given us. Think about those special gifts , won't you? You and only you can reach that certain someone that is out there lost. You are that particular laborer that someone is praying in to a special some one's life. Will you be there to answer the call???? Are you willing and ready to answer to the One who called you and you denied Him? It is not easy all the time, but it is about eternity all the time! please consider these words written to you from the hearts of two people that just simply chose to answer the call and surrender unto the greatest King of all. Let's take as many souls with us as possible and let's start right here in our own backyard. Elkhart, indiana.....HERE COMES THE SON!!!
We are very excited about what the Lord has planned. How and when He will do these things, well, only He knows His timing, but we are confident of the direction that He has opened up to us and we are humbly and boldly taking hold. Our intentions are to step out and step up in this community of Elkhart, In. in the Washington Gardens area. It has been laid heavily upon our hearts to take this ground for the Kingdom of God and to infiltrate this area, used so strongly by the enemy, and immerse it in the Spirit and Truth of the Lord!!! We know that it will not all be easy, but we can do all things and my Word tells me that "WHATSOEVER I LAY MY HAND TO SHALL PROSPER!!!" This work will prosper and NOT fail. If my God and King is going before me (and I know He is because he has given us this vision) and He is for me ...then tell me....WHO can be against me???!!! Praise the Lord!!
We have it so heavy on our heart for this whole area of Elkhart that we just have to go forward until we begin to see change and then...KEEP ON GOING!!! We began to lay the ground work last fall by walking the streets of this project area and meeting and praying for these people face to face. It was so amazing! We were meeting teens, young mothers and fathers, we met many, many children and elderly and even met quite a few drug dealers and users who, by the way, were some of the most respectful!! This is the power that the Lord grants when we walk in humility and servitude in LOVE one for another. I am continually in awe of the power and grace of my Lord.
Our goal is to begin to step out into the Washington Gardens area again the first part of April. We want to begin by going out and walking the streets again on the Friday eve. before our outreach to make the people aware that we are going to be in the area. Also, we will be setting up canopies so that they will have a place to come into for a real church service!!! We are so excited about this. We want not only to bless them with food and prayer, but we want to disciple them with the Word of the Living God. They need to see that we are serious about them and our God. It is important that we hold them accountable and that they see us being accountable for what we are sharing with them. After all, talk is cheap...actions are what they are looking at.
We are going to be holding Friday night meetings (for now) at our house until we can find the place that will facilitate us and others that will be coming in. We are beginning a "Discipleship" course that will last for the better part of 2 years. This means that it is going to take commitment and discipline! All are welcome, but you must be certain that you are willing and able to commit yourself and time to such a task. The Word says that "to whom much is given..much is expected". Where is your EXPECTATION at? We hope that it is in the Lord.
We are very excited about this "New Beginning" for us all and we hope that you will be too. It doesn't matter to us about numbers or size when it comes to this ministry, because God is in full control and He knows what He is doing! Thank the Lord. The only thing that matters to us is that we are pleasing unto the service of our Lord and Master and that we help Him to increase the Kingdom of Heaven and in doing so we will decrease the Kingdom of Hell. We are thankful that God found us worthy of such a task as this and we intend to do all that we are able to do to fulfill the plan He has for us. How about you? Are you ready to strap on your boots and take some high ground? Are you ready to say "Not my will, but your will be done" to the Lord? Is there anything that is more pleasing or rewarding to the Lord than to see His children flowing together in harmony and unity to see that the task gets done and we help Him to bring home one more prodigal? I can't think of ONE thing that we could do in this world and of ourselves that could even come close to doing the will of our Father.
We have been very quiet before the Lord and we have asked many, many questions of Him. When we didn't know what to do...we just kept on keeping on. It has been so quiet at times, we thought that the stillness would deafen us, but then God would speak. We have fallen under judgement and ridicule of man and that's o.k. We know that this is just part of MAN'S way, but know this...we will not be moved by it. We know that God is our source and our hope. Without Him there is just no need to even try. We are human and we know that we need Him. So, we intend to follow Him as closely as possible and to complete this work that He has begun in us! How about you? Would you like to be a part of this? It is truly an exciting time to be alive. there is so much going on around us in this world and God has found us fit for such a time as this. Rejoice!!! Our redemption is drawing ever so much more near!
Our plea to you is to get stirred up and on fire for God! The time is now. He desires to use each and every one of us in the giftings and callings that only HE has given us. Think about those special gifts , won't you? You and only you can reach that certain someone that is out there lost. You are that particular laborer that someone is praying in to a special some one's life. Will you be there to answer the call???? Are you willing and ready to answer to the One who called you and you denied Him? It is not easy all the time, but it is about eternity all the time! please consider these words written to you from the hearts of two people that just simply chose to answer the call and surrender unto the greatest King of all. Let's take as many souls with us as possible and let's start right here in our own backyard. Elkhart, indiana.....HERE COMES THE SON!!!
Monday, February 11, 2008
One Word: AMAZING!!!!
Mardi Gras 2008 was such an amazing experience!!! This year was only my 2ND time down to the "BIG EASY". Pastor Lance and I had gone together back in 2006 right after Katrina and all the devastation. This time, it was totally different. When we went back in 2006 there was such a sense of desperation and need for HOPE that it seemed that no matter where we turned to minister - we were accepted. Not so in 2008.
This year as we prepared to return to New Orleans there seemed to be a sense that something was different. We didn't know what it was, but Pastor Lance and I could just knew that something was going to happen. He kept telling me that he felt that this year I would be the one to go - without him!! I strongly disagreed. I could not see me in that town under those circumstances without my husband! Never say never. When will this truly sink in? Well, it did come to pass and Cole (my son) and I were the only two from our family that made it. Go figure.
We started out by flying into Daytona where we worked with the music team and from there we traveled by bus and van for 12 hours over to New Orleans. What a trip it was! Once there we began to set up for a temporary stay at CELEBRATION CHURCH where we had cots to sleep on and clean, warm showers to clean up in and it was a great blessing. While we were there we began what seemed to be an amazing family reunion and all these RAVENS from around the country just began to descend upon the area and what a time we had!!!
Although I had not seen many of them for a good while , it was as if no time had passed! Like God had made time stand still until we saw one another once again. He is so gracious. However, time had passed and there was a lot to catch up on - and so we did. We talked and laughed and shared until the wee hours of the a.m. and then when we got up we started all over again. It was such a great time of refreshing!!
After two days at this location we transferred over to another place that was quite a bit smaller, but it had a kitchen facility and we all got a much better understanding of up what "up close and personal " really means. There were literally just curtains separating the men's room from the ladies. It was hysterical!! All the snoring and other noises - It definitely kept things interesting.
After we set up camp there we began our true mission for which we were there. It is all about SOULS!!! We set up our musical equipment and got our hearts and minds prepared with word and worship and we hit the streets! It was so exciting. There was, I believe, some 150 - 180 of us at our most highest numbers and it was a sight to behold when you heard us and saw us coming down the streets of New Orleans singing Amazing Grace...How Sweet The Sound... people would just stop and stare - and some would join us in song. It was the presence of the Lord coming to that city of darkness and people could not help but to take notice!
From Friday night to Monday it was non-stop ministry time with breaks only to sleep for a few hours and to shower and eat and then back out we went. So many souls and so little time. There were such great miracles taking place in so many lives. There was one man who had been deaf since birth and as Pastor Sam was praying for him his ear popped open and he began to repeat everything that he was praying and saying!! Why should we be so shocked? After all, He is God.
There was another man that rededicated his life who had been a missionary and had been called to serve in Vietnam and had fallen away because of the scars from that war. After we ministered to him he began to break down and weep and began to pray on his own and ask the Lord to be with him and to forgive him and to accept him back into his fold. He wanted to right the wrongs in his life and return to his God!!! And the list goes on and on!!!!!!!!!! Praise the name of the Lord....forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When Monday morning rolled around and it was time for us to begin our journey home, I have to say it was a difficult thing to pull ourselves away from such a Godly atmosphere. You see, while I was there, away from my husband, the Lord made one thing VERY clear to me and it was this: He desires that, and in fact commands in His word that, I would have no other gods before Him. This means not my husband, not my children, not my parents, not my ministry, but that only He shall be my God and my source. This was a hard pill to swallow, yet it brought me a great amount of comfort and peace. I realize that God gave me my family and for this I am so truly thankful, but without Him I have absolutely nothing!!
This year was a mile marker in my life and one that I believe that the Lord ordained for such a time as this. He is never late, but always right on time. I thank God for the AMAZING time of ministry and Revelation and I pray that we may all have more moments like this in all of our lives. After all, they are what draw us unto the realization that "we must decrease so that He may increase".
This year as we prepared to return to New Orleans there seemed to be a sense that something was different. We didn't know what it was, but Pastor Lance and I could just knew that something was going to happen. He kept telling me that he felt that this year I would be the one to go - without him!! I strongly disagreed. I could not see me in that town under those circumstances without my husband! Never say never. When will this truly sink in? Well, it did come to pass and Cole (my son) and I were the only two from our family that made it. Go figure.
We started out by flying into Daytona where we worked with the music team and from there we traveled by bus and van for 12 hours over to New Orleans. What a trip it was! Once there we began to set up for a temporary stay at CELEBRATION CHURCH where we had cots to sleep on and clean, warm showers to clean up in and it was a great blessing. While we were there we began what seemed to be an amazing family reunion and all these RAVENS from around the country just began to descend upon the area and what a time we had!!!
Although I had not seen many of them for a good while , it was as if no time had passed! Like God had made time stand still until we saw one another once again. He is so gracious. However, time had passed and there was a lot to catch up on - and so we did. We talked and laughed and shared until the wee hours of the a.m. and then when we got up we started all over again. It was such a great time of refreshing!!
After two days at this location we transferred over to another place that was quite a bit smaller, but it had a kitchen facility and we all got a much better understanding of up what "up close and personal " really means. There were literally just curtains separating the men's room from the ladies. It was hysterical!! All the snoring and other noises - It definitely kept things interesting.
After we set up camp there we began our true mission for which we were there. It is all about SOULS!!! We set up our musical equipment and got our hearts and minds prepared with word and worship and we hit the streets! It was so exciting. There was, I believe, some 150 - 180 of us at our most highest numbers and it was a sight to behold when you heard us and saw us coming down the streets of New Orleans singing Amazing Grace...How Sweet The Sound... people would just stop and stare - and some would join us in song. It was the presence of the Lord coming to that city of darkness and people could not help but to take notice!
From Friday night to Monday it was non-stop ministry time with breaks only to sleep for a few hours and to shower and eat and then back out we went. So many souls and so little time. There were such great miracles taking place in so many lives. There was one man who had been deaf since birth and as Pastor Sam was praying for him his ear popped open and he began to repeat everything that he was praying and saying!! Why should we be so shocked? After all, He is God.
There was another man that rededicated his life who had been a missionary and had been called to serve in Vietnam and had fallen away because of the scars from that war. After we ministered to him he began to break down and weep and began to pray on his own and ask the Lord to be with him and to forgive him and to accept him back into his fold. He wanted to right the wrongs in his life and return to his God!!! And the list goes on and on!!!!!!!!!! Praise the name of the Lord....forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When Monday morning rolled around and it was time for us to begin our journey home, I have to say it was a difficult thing to pull ourselves away from such a Godly atmosphere. You see, while I was there, away from my husband, the Lord made one thing VERY clear to me and it was this: He desires that, and in fact commands in His word that, I would have no other gods before Him. This means not my husband, not my children, not my parents, not my ministry, but that only He shall be my God and my source. This was a hard pill to swallow, yet it brought me a great amount of comfort and peace. I realize that God gave me my family and for this I am so truly thankful, but without Him I have absolutely nothing!!
This year was a mile marker in my life and one that I believe that the Lord ordained for such a time as this. He is never late, but always right on time. I thank God for the AMAZING time of ministry and Revelation and I pray that we may all have more moments like this in all of our lives. After all, they are what draw us unto the realization that "we must decrease so that He may increase".
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
These are some words from one of our favorite songs that we sing. We tend to sing them with the thought that if God can use an animal or if He can cause the rocks to cry out He can surely use me. Couldn't He? that's a pretty loaded question isn't it? He should be able to, but can He? So many times when we sing these songs we are moved by the emotion or the music that we forget that the only thing that keeps us from the very thing that we are singing about is ... ourselves! We look beyond ourselves and our poor positioning (because of our attitudes, wrong living or thought life, our very sin nature that we allow to rule us) and assume that a most Holy God will just over look our sin and elevate us to a place of use with nothing more than a prompting from a song we took 3 or 4 minutes out of our day to sing to Him? No. In spite of all the nice thoughts we like to believe, you know the ones - they're the ones that justify our sins and help bring that feeling of complacency - God will not be mocked.
So, where do we stand? Wow! This is an in your face question. Why should He choose to use you or me? What do we have within ourselves that could possibly surpass the ever amazing abilities of God? After all, He is not surprised by your talents - He gave them to you. So, what do you think? Do we dare venture a brazen assumption that He needs us? I don't think so. He is THE CREATOR - He doesn't need anyone. However, He does tell us, in His word, that He does love us and that His desire is that not 1 would perish. This would lead one to believe that He truly does desire to be our Father and that we would dwell with Him. Thank you Lord!!!
God has given each of us a free will and with that comes the ability to choose which path we will take in this life. Do you realize how great of an opportunity this is? I don't mean that it is a wonderful thing that we can choose to go the "low" road so to speak, but what I mean by "great" is just that - this is so huge or "great " of a decision that it not only impacts our lives , but the lives of countless others around us who we may not even be aware are watching!!! This is massive!!!
The Word of God says that it is appointed once for a man to die and then the judgement. We will stand before the throne of our creator and stand there alone and naked. He has seen all that we have done and all that we never repented of. He will hold us accountable for every idle word and deed and I truly believe that will apply for all those that we "helped" lead down the same "low" road.
Now, this road that I'm talking about surely doesn't apply to us faith talking, spirit walking, bible toting Christians. Does it? After all, we don't fall into the same category as the "un-saved". We have the blood of Christ. We sure do and that's even more reason to walk the talk. How will anyone who is not saved ever be able to see the hope of salvation through Christ when we who profess to be saved act and talk and walk just like the rest of the world? Why would God want anything like that? He said in His word that if you love the world you will hate HIM!! So I ask you... which one will it be???
Let's be like Paul. When he was Saul he was operating in this worlds system and ways of thinking, but when he was radically changed all who knew him noticed!! Does anyone notice a change about you? Does anyone want to have a life like yours? Do we exemplify the faithfulness of God in our lives? Are we truly trusting Him to be our provision and are we giving Him the praise and thanksgiving that He so greatly deserves even when we haven't even seen the answer yet? Let's get radical. Let's let God take the lead and tell us "how to" and "when to". let's get so consumed with a passion for Him that the former really can apply and when we open our mouths to sing these words...He will !!
So, where do we stand? Wow! This is an in your face question. Why should He choose to use you or me? What do we have within ourselves that could possibly surpass the ever amazing abilities of God? After all, He is not surprised by your talents - He gave them to you. So, what do you think? Do we dare venture a brazen assumption that He needs us? I don't think so. He is THE CREATOR - He doesn't need anyone. However, He does tell us, in His word, that He does love us and that His desire is that not 1 would perish. This would lead one to believe that He truly does desire to be our Father and that we would dwell with Him. Thank you Lord!!!
God has given each of us a free will and with that comes the ability to choose which path we will take in this life. Do you realize how great of an opportunity this is? I don't mean that it is a wonderful thing that we can choose to go the "low" road so to speak, but what I mean by "great" is just that - this is so huge or "great " of a decision that it not only impacts our lives , but the lives of countless others around us who we may not even be aware are watching!!! This is massive!!!
The Word of God says that it is appointed once for a man to die and then the judgement. We will stand before the throne of our creator and stand there alone and naked. He has seen all that we have done and all that we never repented of. He will hold us accountable for every idle word and deed and I truly believe that will apply for all those that we "helped" lead down the same "low" road.
Now, this road that I'm talking about surely doesn't apply to us faith talking, spirit walking, bible toting Christians. Does it? After all, we don't fall into the same category as the "un-saved". We have the blood of Christ. We sure do and that's even more reason to walk the talk. How will anyone who is not saved ever be able to see the hope of salvation through Christ when we who profess to be saved act and talk and walk just like the rest of the world? Why would God want anything like that? He said in His word that if you love the world you will hate HIM!! So I ask you... which one will it be???
Let's be like Paul. When he was Saul he was operating in this worlds system and ways of thinking, but when he was radically changed all who knew him noticed!! Does anyone notice a change about you? Does anyone want to have a life like yours? Do we exemplify the faithfulness of God in our lives? Are we truly trusting Him to be our provision and are we giving Him the praise and thanksgiving that He so greatly deserves even when we haven't even seen the answer yet? Let's get radical. Let's let God take the lead and tell us "how to" and "when to". let's get so consumed with a passion for Him that the former really can apply and when we open our mouths to sing these words...He will !!
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